Wildlife Monitoring

The Shark River Cleanup Coalition engages in annual wildlife monitoring, including horseshoe crab tagging.

SRCC is dedicated to the conservation of Atlantic horseshoe crabs. In partnership with the American Littoral Society, we co-sponsor horseshoe crab tagging annually in the late Spring. (Learn more at our events page and at the Littoral Society Horeshoe crab tagging page.)

Living fossils, horseshoe crabs date back 445 million years - to before the dinosaurs. With only 4 species in existence, the Atlantic horseshoe crab is the only one found in North America. We take our responsibility towards protecting them seriously as the beaches of our watershed are included in their spawning grounds. Partnering with the American Littoral Society has allowed SRCC and community volunteers to be involved in a tagging program each spring during spawning season. This allows the horseshoe crabs to be tracked and monitored. Data collection will be expanded upon this upcoming year. Along the Atlantic coast they face the threats of being caught offshore for use in pharmaceutical labs and as bait. In NJ, there is currently a moratorium on the harvest of horseshoe crabs within the state. With this law, it is illegal to remove a horseshoe crab, dead or alive, from its habitat in the wild. To come at the problem from a different angle, we have also become involved with the Horseshoe Crab Recovery Coalition. This coalition works toward legislative protections. Through them we are also able to stay up to date on annual horseshoe crab spawning seasons along the coast.

And so we look forward to the time we spend with them each year while tagging at the new and full moons of May & June. If you are interested in participating in this important program - please see our events page.